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Legend of Mount Panther

Allow me to introduce myself. I am none other than Mahamari, the owner of Mount Panther
itself and Ubara of the Bosk and Tarn, also a Panther though some might wonder at that.
I'd like to share with you how Mount Panther came into being. It's a rather funny story
at that. If you have an odd and twisted sense of humor like I do.

Way back when, this is before I became Ubara. Actually it's around the time I decided I liked
it here and were going to stay. Yes, the Ubar WAS an incentive. I just didn't know it yet.
I used to visit the B&T on a semi regular basis since it was one of the few places I'd been
that didn't start up with the old grind about Panthers and cities not getting along.
Hey, when there are so few of us we sociable ones have to go somewhere ya know. Sooner or later
we find something that suits us. I found B&T and a huge red haired man named YamaRaja.

Onward here before I turn this into a romance. Not that that is a bad thing. Anyway, once I began
coming on a regular basis I decided this is the place I wanted to be. My home. Not a difficult
choice to make when you have in front of you one fine Jarl and a beautiful well tended home.
(actually it was the Jarl that swayed me) What can I say? I'm a sucker for a cute face hiden under
a beard.

Okay, onward. Mount Panther was actually created by YamaRaja. I just put the personal touches on
it. When it came to be that a Panther was a regular of the Home then I figured to personalize
things a little bit. So I began the stealing of furs. At first the ones not in use, but face it,
those are few and far in between. I did a little hunting, but good furs near Port Kar are almost
impossible to find. So, thus began the stealing of guest furs.

At first it were only the people that come and go. Naturally that was not enough for me so I pro-
gressed on to the slaves furs. This began Mount Panther..a small one anyway. Apparently the tiles
aren't all that comfortable. Go figure. When the slaves furs became slim pickings I turned my
grey eyes to the Free's furs. Namely the residents. And one by one their furs disappeared and
Mount Panther grew. I wonder if they figured that out. I'm sure someone did. When it got to that
point that I stole my own dear sweet loving (enough sentiment for you?) Mate's furs he drew the
line and went hunting again. I'd rather steal them personally.

Mount Panther grew, and grew and grew. To towering proportions. I call it the leaning tower of
Panther. In jest of course. There were a lot of love and laughter in the birth of my mountain.
It became my hiding place, my favorite resting place. And the place for games and secrets to be
brought about, talked of and played. A place of joy and of course a few tears. Part of a home
that is lived in.

Mahamari, Owner of Mount Panther and Ubara of B&T